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Bacon And Egg Pie

Bacon And Egg Pie

from Bruce Christianson

500 g pastry (from butcher) or 3 sheets pre rolled 4 slices lean bacon, cut into pieces 6 eggs onion, chopped (optional) tomato, chopped or sliced (optional) pepper to taste

  • roll pastry on a floured surface, or defrost and separate sheets
  • place bottom layer in a pie dish, line sides of dish
  • place bacon in dish
  • break eggs and yolks
  • add onion, tomato, and pepper if desired
  • wet rim of pastry to glue top on
  • trim off excess pastry
  • cut small vents /// in centre to let air out
  • preheat oven to 200°C
  • cook for 30 minutes
  • allow to cool if packing

Serves 4 to 6

tahi Page last modified on 2022 May 14 14:42

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