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Quince Paste and Jelly

Quince paste (dulce de membrillo)

For 1-1½ kg of quinces, more or less

  1. Cut the quinces in quarters, with pips, skin and all
  2. Put them in a pan, cover with water
  3. Boil them for 20-30 minutes until soft when poked with a fork
  4. Drain, setting the water apart for use below
  5. Weigh the semi drained boiled fruit, multiply that weight by 0.75 giving x
  6. pass the quinces through a food processor or similar and put in a large glass bowl to go into the microwave
  7. heat on high for 10 minutes
  8. weigh x grams of sugar, as per previous step
  9. add the sugar, mix well until sugar has dissolved
  10. heat on high for 10 minutes
  11. stir until well mixed
  12. repeat step 10 and 11 until the mixture becomes reddish
  13. line a glass mould with plastic wrap
  14. pour the mixture into the lined mould
  15. let it cool
  • enjoy!

Exquisite served with Havarti or Manchego.

from Menno

Quince jelly

For a litre of juice, (assuming you only just covered the quinces with water, no more)

500 g of sugar

Bring the juice and sugar slowly to the boil and reduce to at least 1/3 of the volume, boiling slowly and monitoring the process.

You will know it is ready when

  • the colour turns from gold to reddish
  • you take some of the juice with a tablespoon and is flows as if a little syrupy string almost yielding drops at the end
  • put the jelly in jars and let it cool and set

Category: Jam Fruit Quince

tahi Page last modified on 2022 May 14 14:42

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