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KiwiWiki Feijoa recipes

feijoas.jpeg: 4000x3000, 6181k (2012 Apr 22 10:09)

External recipes and information

Feijoa facts


The feijoa was collected in southern Brazil in 1815 by a German explorer Freidrich Sellow. It was introduced to Europe in 1890 by French botanist and horticulturist, Dr Édouard André. It was named after Brazilian botanist, João da Silva Feijķ.

Feijoas were introduced into New Zealand in the 1920s. New Zealand's few pests and good climate produced large fruit and enabled feijoas to be grown organically (chemical sprays therefore are not applied to New Zealand fruit, making NZ feijoas some of the most natural fruit available). The New Zealand season runs from late March to June.

In some countries the feijoa is called "pineapple guava".


Feijoas keep really well in the fruit drawer in the fridge.


Feijoas are easily frozen.

  • Recipes use either scooped, peeled and diced, or pureed feijoa. Put into a plastic bag or container to freeze. Puree can be frozen in ice cubes for recipes or drinks
  • As many recipes call for cups of chopped feijoas that could be in 1 or 1½ cup quantities, freeze in these quantities
  • To help prevent browning a little lemon juice may be added

An alternative for storing raw feijoas is

½ cup sugar ½ cup water 1½ tsp custard powder 2 Tblspn cold water 1½ - 2 cups feijoa flesh 2 tsp lemon juice.

  • bring sugar and water to the boil and simmer for 1 minute
  • stir in the custard powder mixed with cold water
  • cook, stirring for a few minutes, over a moderate heat
  • cool, when cold add feijoas
  • add lemon juice to the surface to reduce browning
  • cover and refrigerate


The fruit has a very distinctive, aromatic flavour with tropical overtones including pineapple and guava. (In California, the fruit is known as "pineapple guava")


Feijoas are ready to eat when slightly soft and when the jellied sections in the centre of the fruit are clear, although they can be eaten earlier. Depending on the variety this may happen on the tree or within 2 to 5 days of natural fruit drop.
Feijoas keep well when refrigerated.


(per 100g of freshly picked fruit) Vitamin C 30mg Energy 190kJ (45 calories) Dietary fibre 4g Sugars 10g Protein 0.5 to 1gm Fat 0.3g

tahi Page last modified on 2023 Apr 30 21:17

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