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Feijoa Shortcake

Feijoa Shortcake

8 to 10 feijoas rind and juice 1 or 2 lemons 2 Tblspn sugar 180g butter, softened 1 cup caster sugar 1 egg vanilla essence 250g flour, sifted with 1 tsp baking powder 2 to 3 Tblspn flaked or sliced almonds

  • pre-heat oven to 180°C
  • peel feijoas and slice into 10mm rounds, sprinkle with rind and juice of lemons, and mix in sugar, leave to stand
  • cream butter and sugar
  • add egg and vanilla essence, and then flour and baking powder
  • press about  of the cake mix into lined cake tin, spoon over feijoas, lemon and sugar mixture
  • break remaining dough into small pieces and dot casually over top of feijoas
  • sprinkle with flaked almonds
  • vake in a preheated oven 180ÂC for 45 to 60 minutes
  • reduce temperature if shortcake is browning too much

Serve warm with lightly whipped cream.

Serves 6

tahi Page last modified on 2022 May 14 14:42

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