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2024-03-01 Sun Skiing Okushiga Kōgen

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Okushiga Kōgen course guide
Okushiga Kōgen course guide.png: 1422x901, 2643k (2024 Mar 04 11:28)
Okushiga Kōgen course guide

Weekday 2024-03-03, day 03

ShigaKōgenLogo.png: 384x201, 27k (2024 Mar 13 00:12)

okushiga-kōgen-logo.png: 400x394, 56k (2024 Mar 27 17:14)

At the Prince Hotel East Wing skiing at Okushiga Kōgen

A fine day for skiing - Adrian, Jim, and Kevin outside the Prince Hotel East
Photo: Simon
2024-03-03 09.20.51; '2024 Mar 03 13:20'
Original size: 13,448 x 6,966; 17,128 kB; stitch
A fine day for skiing - Adrian, Jim, and Kevin outside the Prince Hotel East

Photo: Simon

Simon, Adrian, and Kevin on A1 course
Photo: Jim
2024-03-03 09.57.46; '2024 Mar 03 13:57'
Original size: 4,454 x 1,213; 1,871 kB; stitch, cr
Simon, Adrian, and Kevin on A1 course
Photo: Jim
Jim at the top of Yakebitaiyama Gondola number  1
Photo: Simon
2024-03-03 09.58.46; '2024 Mar 03 13:58'
Original size: 9,248 x 6,936; 14,733 kB
Jim at the top of Yakebitaiyama Gondola number 1
Photo: Simon
Jim, Kevin, and Adrian on Course Downhill
Photo: Simon
2024-03-03 10.27.41; '2024 Mar 03 14:27'
Original size: 16,970 x 5,330; 18,443 kB; stitch
Jim, Kevin, and Adrian on Course Downhill
Photo: Simon
Jim, Kevin, and Adrian in front of Okushiga Kōgen Gondola
Photo: Simon
2024-03-03 10.36.26; '2024 Mar 03 14:36'
Original size: 16,334 x 4,470; 11,883 kB; stitch
Jim, Kevin, and Adrian in front of Okushiga Kōgen Gondola
Photo: Simon
Okushiga Kōgen Gondola
Photo: Simon
2024-03-03 10.46.41; '2024 Mar 03 14:46'
Original size: 9,248 x 6,936; 24,397 kB
Okushiga Kōgen Gondola
Photo: Simon
View from Course Number  3
Photo: Simon
2024-03-03 10.55.45; '2024 Mar 03 14:55'
Original size: 10,538 x 4,343; 15,939 kB; stitch
View from Course Number 3
Photo: Simon
Simon at the top of Course Expert Okushiga Kōgen
Photo: Adrian
2024-03-03 10.56.55; '2024 Mar 03 14:56'
Original size: 11,246 x 7,217; 13,534 kB; stitch
Simon at the top of Course Expert Okushiga Kōgen
Photo: Adrian
Kevin and Adrian in front of the Okushiga Kōgen High Speed lift number  2
Photo: Simon
2024-03-03 11.00.25; '2024 Mar 03 15:00'
Original size: 15,305 x 7,072; 16,766 kB; stitch
Kevin and Adrian in front of the Okushiga Kōgen High Speed lift number 2
Photo: Simon
Adrian, Kevin, and Jim at the top of Course Forest
Photo: Simon
2024-03-03 12.01.01; '2024 Mar 03 16:01'
Original size: 11,096 x 5,856; 10,785 kB; stitch
Adrian, Kevin, and Jim at the top of Course Forest
Photo: Simon
Adrian, Kevin, and Adrian in Gate  2 from Course Downhill
Photo: Simon
2024-03-03 12.44.17; '2024 Mar 03 16:44'
Original size: 20,520 x 9,670; 27,858 kB; stitch
Adrian, Kevin, and Adrian in Gate 2 from Course Downhill
Photo: Simon
Kevin and Adrian off Piste through Gate  2
Photo: Simon
2024-03-03 12.47.40; '2024 Mar 03 16:47'
Original size: 10,073 x 5,271; 13,476 kB; stitch
Kevin and Adrian off Piste through Gate 2
Photo: Simon
Leaving Okushiga Gondola bottom station
Photo: Jim
2024-03-03 13.51.57; '2024 Mar 03 17:51'
Original size: 2,867 x 2,474; 2,372 kB; cr
Leaving Okushiga Gondola bottom station
Photo: Jim
Restaurant St Christoph
Photo: Jim
2024-03-03 13.52.03; '2024 Mar 03 17:52'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,992; 3,132 kB
Restaurant St Christoph
Photo: Jim
Leaving Okushiga Gondola bottom station
Photo: Jim
2024-03-03 13.52.51; '2024 Mar 03 17:52'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,992; 4,077 kB
Leaving Okushiga Gondola bottom station
Photo: Jim
View up the Okushiga Kōgen Gondola
Photo: Simon
2024-03-03 13.53.38; '2024 Mar 03 17:53'
Original size: 8,463 x 6,347; 21,422 kB; str
View up the Okushiga Kōgen Gondola
Photo: Simon
Selfie on the Okushiga Gondola
Photo: Jim
2024-03-03 13.53.51; '2024 Mar 03 17:53'
Original size: 2,736 x 3,648; 2,051 kB
Selfie on the Okushiga Gondola
Photo: Jim
Looking up the Okushiga Gondola
Photo: Jim
2024-03-03 14.13.50; '2024 Mar 03 18:13'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,992; 3,562 kB
Looking up the Okushiga Gondola
Photo: Jim
Looking up the Okushiga Gondola
Photo: Jim
2024-03-03 14.15.10; '2024 Mar 03 18:15'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,992; 2,578 kB
Looking up the Okushiga Gondola
Photo: Jim
Prince East ski lockers on ground floor
Photo: Jim
2024-03-03 15.59.27; '2024 Mar 03 19:59'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,992; 2,204 kB
Prince East ski lockers on ground floor
Photo: Jim
Adrian and Kevin at the top of Okushiga Kōgen Course Number  4
Photo: Simon
2024-03-03 15.59.49; '2024 Mar 03 19:59'
Original size: 11,378 x 6,645; 7,611 kB; stitch
Adrian and Kevin at the top of Okushiga Kōgen Course Number 4
Photo: Simon
Lots of rooms in the Wing
Photo: Jim
2024-03-03 16.01.02; '2024 Mar 03 20:01'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,992; 2,075 kB
Lots of rooms in the Wing
Photo: Jim

Okushiga Kōgen skiing

Trips.2024-03-01ShigaKōgenAndŌsaka,Maps/2024-03-03 nzm Okushiga skiing final.gpx

Start: 09:18 Distance: 61.7 km Max elev: 2,076 m Duration moving: 05:31 h
End: 16:16 Max speed: 60 km/h Ascent: 6,598 m Duration ascent: 03:02 h
Duration: 06:57 h Avg dsc speed: 9.9 km/h Descent: 6,508 m Duration descent: 02:23 h

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tahi Page last modified on 2024 Jun 19 17:37

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