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2023-08-05 Whakapapa Skiing

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Saturday 2023-08-05

View from Tararua Lodge
Photo: Simon
2023-08-05 09.56.21; '2023 Aug 05 09:56'
Original size: 9,248 x 6,936; 16,836 kB
View from Tararua Lodge

Photo: Simon

At the top of the West Ridge Quad
Photo: Simon
2023-08-05 11.01.13; '2023 Aug 05 11:01'
Original size: 9,248 x 6,936; 13,567 kB
At the top of the West Ridge Quad
Photo: Simon
View of West Ridge Quad
Photo: Adrian
2023-08-05 11.10.51; '2023 Aug 05 11:10'
Original size: 9,248 x 6,936; 14,168 kB
View of West Ridge Quad
Photo: Adrian
Simon at West Ridge
Photo: Adrian
2023-08-05 11.10.59; '2023 Aug 05 11:10'
Original size: 9,248 x 6,936; 13,842 kB
Simon at West Ridge
Photo: Adrian
Adrian having a rest stop
Photo: Simon
2023-08-05 11.11.06; '2023 Aug 05 11:11'
Original size: 17,697 x 6,355; 19,820 kB; stitch
Adrian having a rest stop
Photo: Simon
Snow drifts on the West Ridge
Photo: Adrian
2023-08-05 11.12.32; '2023 Aug 05 11:12'
Original size: 9,248 x 4,981; 11,592 kB; cr
Snow drifts on the West Ridge
Photo: Adrian
View down the West Ridge Quad
Photo: Adrian
2023-08-05 11.12.42; '2023 Aug 05 11:12'
Original size: 11,938 x 7,375; 16,731 kB; stitch
View down the West Ridge Quad
Photo: Adrian
Simon on Home run
Photo: Adrian
2023-08-05 12.04.41; '2023 Aug 05 12:04'
Original size: 21,239 x 6,327; 18,447 kB; stitch
Simon on Home run
Photo: Adrian
Simon at the top of the Haensli face
Photo: Adrian
2023-08-05 13.49.02; '2023 Aug 05 13:49'
Original size: 12,398 x 7,129; 8,755 kB; stitch
Simon at the top of the Haensli face
Photo: Adrian
Sunset across Tennants gully
Photo: Adrian
2023-08-05 17.31.01; '2023 Aug 05 17:31'
Original size: 12,578 x 6,053; 11,398 kB; stitch
Sunset across Tennants gully
Photo: Adrian
Sunset across Tennants gully
Photo: Adrian
2023-08-05 17.34.47; '2023 Aug 05 17:34'
Original size: 4,032 x 1,816; 2,660 kB
Sunset across Tennants gully
Photo: Adrian
Sunset from Tararua Lodge
Photo: Adrian
2023-08-05 17.37.32; '2023 Aug 05 17:37'
Original size: 22,428 x 7,255; 14,141 kB; stitch
Sunset from Tararua Lodge
Photo: Adrian

Ski tracks

2023-08-05 nzm Whakapapa skiing final.gpx

Start: 09:57 Distance: 43.2 km Max elev: 2,271 m Duration moving: 05:50 h
End: 16:20 Max speed: 55 km/h Ascent: 4,725 m Duration ascent: 03:39 h
Duration: 06:23 h Avg dsc speed: 8.7 km/h Descent: 4,662 m Duration descent: 02:07 h

Sunday 2023-08-06

Pinnacles from Pātaka cafe
Photo: Adrian
2023-08-06 10.09.49; '2023 Aug 06 10:09'
Original size: 8,715 x 10,061; 10,726 kB; stitch
Pinnacles from Pātaka cafe

Photo: Adrian

Valley from Pātaka cafe
Photo: Adrian
2023-08-06 10.09.51; '2023 Aug 06 10:09'
Original size: 12,941 x 5,047; 7,549 kB; stitch
Valley from Pātaka cafe
Photo: Adrian
Adrian near the top of Venom
Photo: Simon
2023-08-06 13.47.35; '2023 Aug 06 13:47'
Original size: 13,814 x 6,828; 15,499 kB; stitch
Adrian near the top of Venom
Photo: Simon

Ski tracks

2023-08-06 nzm Whakapapa skiing final.gpx

Start: 09:28 Distance: 45.1 km Max elev: 2,271 m Duration moving: 05:14 h
End: 15:45 Max speed: 52 km/h Ascent: 4,635 m Duration ascent: 02:50 h
Duration: 06:16 h Avg dsc speed: 9.5 km/h Descent: 4,538 m Duration descent: 02:18 h

Monday 2023-08-07

Adrian and Jo in front of the Knoll Ridge Chalet
Photo: Simon
2023-08-07 09.35.28; '2023 Aug 07 09:35'
Original size: 11,541 x 6,912; 7,485 kB; stitch
Adrian and Jo in front of the Knoll Ridge Chalet

Photo: Simon

Adrian, Kevin, and Jo at the top of the West Ridge quad
Photo: Simon
2023-08-07 10.37.31; '2023 Aug 07 10:37'
Original size: 13,001 x 6,200; 9,093 kB; stitch
Adrian, Kevin, and Jo at the top of the West Ridge quad
Photo: Simon

Ski tracks

2023-08-07 nzm Whakapapa skiing final.gpx

Start: 09:20 Distance: 50.5 km Max elev: 2,268 m Duration moving: 05:38 h
End: 15:07 Max speed: 58 km/h Ascent: 5,432 m Duration ascent: 03:34 h
Duration: 05:47 h Avg dsc speed: 13 km/h Descent: 5,341 m Duration descent: 01:59 h



tahi Page last modified on 2023 Dec 23 16:12

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