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2024-03-04 Wed

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Shiga Kōgen Central Area course guide
Shiga Kōgen Central Area 2475972595cb6598abd30d58bc11412a-2560x1778.jpg: 2560x1778, 997k (2024 Mar 25 19:59)
Shiga Kōgen Central Area

26EternalコースEternal course
27PhilosophyコースPhilosophy course
28LIPSコースLIPS course
29連絡コースContact course
15高天ヶ原マンモスゲレンデTakamagahara Mammoth slope
20タンネの森オコジョゲレンデTanne Forest Okojo slope
21一の瀬ファミリー正面ゲレンデIchinose Family Front slope
22天狗コースTengu course
23パノラマコースPanoramic course
24パーフェクターコースPerfector course
30ダイヤモンドゲレンデDiamond slope
31ラビットコースRabbit course
32モンキーコースMonkey course
33かもしかコースKamoshika course
16ワールドカップコースWorld Cup course
18西館山初級コースWest Tateyama Beginner course
19西館山高天ヶ原側ゲレンデWest Tateyama Takamagahara side slope
12東館山オリンピックコースHigashidateyama Olympic course
13東館山林間コースEast Tateyama Woodland course
14ブナ平ゲレンデBunadaira (Beech Woodland) slope
25ジャイアント連絡コースGiant Connection course
11ジャイアントゲレンデGiant slope
10ジャイアント七曲りコースGiant Seven Curves course
1サンバレーA+白熊コースSun Valley A+ Polar Bear course
2サンバレーB+メインコースSun Valley B+ Main course
88サンバレー初級コースSun Valley Beginner course
3丸池AコースMaruike (round pond) A course
4丸池BコースMaruike B course
5丸池CコースMaruike C course
6丸池第2ゲレンデMaruike 2nd slope
7蓮池AコースHasuike (lotus pond) A course
8蓮池BコースHasuike B course
9蓮池ジュニアコースHasuike Junior course

Translations from Google Translate, Copilot, and Bing Translate

Wednesday 2024-03-04, day 04

ShigaKōgenLogo.png: 384x201, 27k (2024 Mar 13 00:12)

At Prince Hotel East Wing skiing Central Shiga Kōgen

Kevin on Ichinose Diamond
Photo: Simon
2024-03-04 10.16.06; '2024 Mar 04 14:16'
Original size: 19,306 x 6,267; 21,145 kB; stitch
2024-03-04 10.16.06 S20+ Simon - Kevin on Ichinose Diamond_stitch.jpg
Kevin on Ichinose Diamond

Photo: Simon

Top station Shiga Kōgen Terakoya
Photo: Simon
2024-03-04 10.47.02; '2024 Mar 04 14:47'
Original size: 13,648 x 5,759; 6,595 kB; stitch
2024-03-04 10.47.02 S20+ Simon - top station Shiga Kōgen Terakoya_stitch.jpg
Top station Shiga Kōgen Terakoya
Photo: Simon
Simon taking a picture of Shiga Kōgen Terakoya
Photo: Jim
2024-03-04 10.47.18; '2024 Mar 04 14:47'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,132; 2,173 kB; cr
2024-03-04 10.47.18 S21FE+ Jim - Simon taking a picture of Shiga Kōgen Terakoya_cr.jpg
Simon taking a picture of Shiga Kōgen Terakoya
Photo: Jim
On the Terakoya Quad, usually not blue skies
Photo: Jim
2024-03-04 11.43.24; '2024 Mar 04 15:43'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,105; 1,278 kB; cr
2024-03-04 11.43.24 S21FE+ Jim - On the Terakoya Quad, usually not blue skies_cr.jpg
On the Terakoya Quad, usually not blue skies
Photo: Jim
Adrian at the top of Central Course  29
Photo: Simon
2024-03-04 11.57.23; '2024 Mar 04 15:57'
Original size: 15,611 x 8,970; 25,014 kB; stitch
2024-03-04 11.57.23 S20+ Simon - Adrian at the top of Central Course 29_stitch.jpg
Adrian at the top of Central Course 29
Photo: Simon
Kevin, Jim, and Adrian at the top of Central Course  29
Photo: Simon
2024-03-04 12.05.03; '2024 Mar 04 16:05'
Original size: 12,395 x 4,572; 8,625 kB; stitch
2024-03-04 12.05.03 S20+ Simon - Kevin, Jim, and Adrian at the top of Central Course 29_stitch.jpg
Kevin, Jim, and Adrian at the top of Central Course 29
Photo: Simon
Adrian at the top of Takamagahara
Photo: Simon
2024-03-04 13.44.54; '2024 Mar 04 17:44'
Original size: 10,308 x 4,006; 6,455 kB; stitch
2024-03-04 13.44.54 S20+ Simon - Adrian at the top of Takamagahara_stitch.jpg
Adrian at the top of Takamagahara
Photo: Simon
Adrian and Kevin at the top of Terakoya
Photo: Simon
2024-03-04 14.56.27; '2024 Mar 04 18:56'
Original size: 12,991 x 4,888; 4,473 kB; stitch
2024-03-04 14.56.27 S20+ Simon - Adrian and Kevin at the top of Terakoya_stitch.jpg
Adrian and Kevin at the top of Terakoya
Photo: Simon
Kevin, with Adrian and Simon ahead, leaving Terakoya on the First Pair lift
Photo: Jim
2024-03-04 15.00.42; '2024 Mar 04 19:00'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,449; 2,654 kB; cr
2024-03-04 15.00.42 S21FE+ Jim - Kevin, with Adrian and Simon ahead, leaving Terakoya on the First Pair lift_cr.jpg
Kevin, with Adrian and Simon ahead, leaving Terakoya on the First Pair lift
Photo: Jim
Kevin, with Adrian and Simon ahead, leaving Terakoya on the First Pair lift
Photo: Jim
2024-03-04 15.01.03; '2024 Mar 04 19:01'
Original size: 2,765 x 2,052; 1,566 kB; cr
2024-03-04 15.01.03 S21FE+ Jim - Kevin, with Adrian and Simon ahead, leaving Terakoya on the First Pair lift_cr.jpg
Kevin, with Adrian and Simon ahead, leaving Terakoya on the First Pair lift
Photo: Jim
Adrian, Kevin, and Simon looking down to Giant and Yamanoeki access gondola
Photo: Jim
2024-03-04 15.16.16; '2024 Mar 04 19:16'
Original size: 7,590 x 2,592; 7,282 kB; stitch
2024-03-04 15.16.16 S21FE+ Jim - Adrian, Kevin, and Simon looking down to Giant and Yamanoeki access gondola_stitch.jpg
Adrian, Kevin, and Simon looking down to Giant and Yamanoeki access gondola
Photo: Jim
Jim, Adrian, and Kevin at the entrance to the Higashitateyama Gondola
Photo: Simon
2024-03-04 15.22.01; '2024 Mar 04 19:22'
Original size: 9,248 x 6,936; 16,000 kB
2024-03-04 15.22.01 S20+ Simon - Jim, Adrian, and Kevin at the entrance to the Higashitateyama Gondola.jpeg
Jim, Adrian, and Kevin at the entrance to the Higashitateyama Gondola
Photo: Simon
Jim, Adrian, and Kevin in the entrance to the Higashitateyama Gondola
Photo: Simon
2024-03-04 15.23.31; '2024 Mar 04 19:23'
Original size: 9,248 x 6,936; 12,696 kB
2024-03-04 15.23.31 S20+ Simon - Jim, Adrian, and Kevin in the entrance to the Higashitateyama Gondola.jpeg
Jim, Adrian, and Kevin in the entrance to the Higashitateyama Gondola
Photo: Simon
View from the Higashitateyama Gondola of hotels
Photo: Jim
2024-03-04 15.26.19; '2024 Mar 04 19:26'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,992; 2,833 kB
2024-03-04 15.26.19 S21FE+ Jim - view from the Higashitateyama Gondola of hotels.jpeg
View from the Higashitateyama Gondola of hotels
Photo: Jim
Simon getting off the Higashitateyama Gondola
Photo: Jim
2024-03-04 15.32.15; '2024 Mar 04 19:32'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,992; 2,815 kB
2024-03-04 15.32.15 S21FE+ Jim - Simon getting off the Higashitateyama Gondola.jpeg
Simon getting off the Higashitateyama Gondola
Photo: Jim

Shiga Kōgen Central skiing

Trips.2024-03-01ShigaKōgenAndŌsaka,Maps/2024-03-04 nzm Shiga Kōgen Central skiing final.gpx

Start: 09:24 Distance: 48.9 km Max elev: 2,126 m Duration moving: 05:48 h
End: 16:04 Max speed: 53 km/h Ascent: 5,016 m Duration ascent: 03:17 h
Duration: 06:39 h Avg dsc speed: 8.0 km/h Descent: 5,019 m Duration descent: 02:25 h

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tahi Page last modified on 2024 Jun 19 17:43

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