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2020-02-27 Auckland to San Francisco

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cable-car-map-san-francisco_cr.jpeg: 1700x1804, 312k (2020 Apr 30 19:31)

travel to and day in San Francisco

san-francisco-city-seal.png: 800x800, 344k (2020 Dec 29 10:37)

Jim leaving Powell Street Station onto Market Street
Photo: Simon
2020-02-27 12.00.26; '2020 Feb 27 12:00'
Original size: 4,160 x 3,120; 6,235 kB
Jim leaving Powell Street Station onto Market Street
Simon at Powell Street Cable Car terminus
Photo: Jim
2020-02-27 12.04.54; '2020 Feb 27 12:04'
Original size: 4,032 x 3,024; 6,389 kB
Simon at Powell Street Cable Car terminus
Powell and Mason tram
Photo: Simon
2020-02-27 12.09.58; '2020 Feb 27 12:09'
Original size: 4,160 x 3,120; 6,046 kB
Powell and Mason tram
Selfie with Cable Car on turntable
Photo: Jim
2020-02-27 12.10.24; '2020 Feb 27 12:10'
Original size: 3,264 x 2,448; 1,978 kB
Jim's selfie with Cable Car on turntable
Room at Riu Fishermans wharf
Photo: Simon
2020-02-27 12.57.16; '2020 Feb 27 12:57'
Original size: 4,160 x 3,120; 4,609 kB
room at Riu Fishermans wharf
Alcatraz Island from Pier  43
Photo: Simon
2020-02-27 13.27.14; '2020 Feb 27 13:27'
Original size: 4,160 x 3,120; 6,261 kB
Alcatraz Island from Pier 43½
Sign - See the Bay in a Whole New Way
Photo: Jim
2020-02-27 13.28.00; '2020 Feb 27 13:28'
Original size: 3,644 x 2,492; 3,824 kB; cr
See the Bay in a Whole New Way
Alcatraz Island from Pier  43
Photo: Simon
2020-02-27 13.28.55; '2020 Feb 27 13:28'
Original size: 4,160 x 3,120; 2,326 kB
Alcatraz Island from Pier 43½
Jim and Boudini Bakery
Photo: Simon
2020-02-27 14.24.34; '2020 Feb 27 14:24'
Original size: 4,160 x 3,120; 4,243 kB
Jim and Boudini Bakery
Historic dinghy at Maritime museum
Photo: Jim
2020-02-27 15.14.21; '2020 Feb 27 15:14'
Original size: 4,032 x 3,024; 5,021 kB
historic dinghy at Maritime museum
C A Thayer at Maritime Museum
Photo: Simon
2020-02-27 15.16.36; '2020 Feb 27 15:16'
Original size: 4,160 x 3,120; 6,388 kB
C A Thayer at Maritime Museum
Hercules Steam Tug and Balclutha
Photo: Simon
2020-02-27 15.33.05; '2020 Feb 27 15:33'
Original size: 4,160 x 3,120; 5,290 kB
Hercules Steam Tug and Balclutha
Transamerica Tower
Photo: Jim
2020-02-27 17.23.51; '2020 Feb 27 17:23'
Original size: 4,009 x 3,007; 4,632 kB; str
Transamerica Tower
Below Transamerica Tower
Photo: Jim
2020-02-27 17.47.23; '2020 Feb 27 17:47'
Original size: 3,024 x 4,032; 2,586 kB
Below Transamerica Tower
Vaillancourt Fountain on Embarcadero
Photo: Simon
2020-02-27 17.59.57; '2020 Feb 27 17:59'
Original size: 4,160 x 3,120; 4,785 kB
Vaillancourt Fountain on Embarcadero
Embarcadero Plaza
Photo: Simon
2020-02-27 18.00.33; '2020 Feb 27 18:00'
Original size: 8,984 x 5,340; 36,210 kB; stitch
Embarcadero Plaza at dusk
Oakland Bay Bridge
Photo: Jim
2020-02-27 18.14.22; '2020 Feb 27 18:14'
Original size: 4,032 x 3,024; 2,184 kB
Oakland Bay Bridge
Port of San Francisco
Photo: Simon
2020-02-27 18.14.28; '2020 Feb 27 18:14'
Original size: 12,656 x 3,271; 32,722 kB; stitch
Port of San Francisco
Oakland Bay Bridge
Photo: Simon
2020-02-27 18.15.43; '2020 Feb 27 18:15'
Original size: 10,163 x 3,104; 19,261 kB; stitch
Oakland Bay Bridge
Port of San Francisco
Photo: Jim
2020-02-27 18.17.57; '2020 Feb 27 18:17'
Original size: 4,032 x 3,024; 3,003 kB
Port of San Francisco
Our plane at Auckland airport
Photo: Simon
2020-02-27 18.30.08; '2020 Feb 27 18:30'
Original size: 3,185 x 2,389; 2,814 kB; cr
our plane at Auckland airport
Simon at Pier  43 Ferry arch
Photo: Jim
2020-02-27 20.29.32; '2020 Feb 27 20:29'
Original size: 4,032 x 3,024; 2,219 kB
Simon at Pier 43 Ferry arch

2020-02-27 nzm San Francisco day 1 final.gpx

Distance: 14.8 km Ascent: 1,779 m Descent: 1,800 m
Max elev: 62 m Avg moving speed: 2.3 km/h Duration moving: 06:28 h
Start: 10:21 End: 18:06 Duration: 07:45 h

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tahi Page last modified on 2024 Jan 09 19:32

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