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Bruce and Philip leaving lower Maitland tarn
Last view of tarns and South Branch Temple Stream
rocky view into the Maitland
Bruce starting down scren slope
heading down the scree slope into the Maitland
looking back up scree slope
Bruce powering down the scree slope
looking back at cirque, Philip and Brian
first rest stop, scree slope behind
sidling out of sid valley
sidling out of the creek
view from lunch spot to lower Maitland
lower Maitland Stream
sidling into Maitland Stream
view from top of spur
on the spur and looking up the Maitland
view from spur to Hopkins
view off side into Maitland
rest stop in Maitland Stream
first view of Maitland Hut
Bruce arriving at Maitland Hut
Maitland Hut
Maitland Hut
Mailand Hut
Maitland Hut
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