add Test page
Chord Pro
MessagesReplacement version 2024-08-20new
ChordPro version 2022-12-01new
ChordPronew version 2022-12-01new
long markup
{Title: Title test example}
{Subtitle: Subtitle}
{Album: Album}
ChordPro version 2022-12-01new
Title test example
Key F#m
long markup
{Capo: 3}
Chords [Bb]and [C#]Lyrics
[A]An example [D]of [Gm]lyrics and tablature
An example with no chords
And another example with no chords, followed by an empty line
{Comment: a comment}
{Comment_italic: an italic comment}
{Comment_box: a comment box}
# comment line
[Bbm]text of chorus
more chorus text[C7]
Capo 3
A D Gm
An example of lyrics and tablature
An example with no chords
And another example with no chords, followed by an empty line
short markup
{T: Title test example}
{St: Subtitle}
{A: Album}
Title test example
short markup
[A]An example [D]of [G]lyrics and tablature
{C: a comment} Followed by [A]markup
Preceded by [B]markup {Ci: italic comment}
{Cb: comment box} followed by {C: a comment}
# comment line
Csus4 (x33011) Fmaj7 (132211)
An example of lyrics and tablature
Csus4 (x33011) Fmaj7 (132211)
test cases
{TITLE: First title}
{SUBTITLE: First subtitle}
Blank line follows[G]
Blank line precedes[A] and follows
{ci:Chorus} {soc}
Two directives on one line
{c:two}comments{ci:on one line}
# indented comment
embedded directive {Title: Embedded title directive}
{subtitle: Indented lowercase subtitle directive}
{define: <chord_name> <position> <String6> .. <String1>}
{unknown: directive}
First title
First subtitle
Blank line precedes and follows
Two directives on one line
Embedded title directive
Indented lowercase subtitle directive
Unknown ChordPro directive {unknown:directive}
pathological markup
||: :||
||: :|| test
Test if ChordPro CustomSyntax impacts normal PmWiki markup
# not a comment
{comment: not a comment}
{ChordPro: not a chordpro directive}
Just normal [B]rackets
not a comment
{comment: not a comment}
{ChordPro: not a chordpro directive}
Just normal [B]rackets
Test all chords
ChordPro Implementation: Chord Extensions
The following chord extensions are currently built-in.
Extensions for major chords
Note that ^ is an alternative for maj.
major chords
[A7#5] [A7#9] [A7#9#5] [A7#9b5] [A7#9#11]
[A7b5] [A7b9] [A7b9#5] [A7b9#9] [A7b9#11] [A7b9b13] [A7b9b5] [A7b9sus] [A7b13] [A7b13sus]
[A7-9] [A7-9#11] [A7-9#5] [A7-9#9] [A7-9-13] [A7-9-5] [A7-9sus]
[A7-13] [A7-13sus]
[A7sus] [A7susadd3]
[Amaj7] [Amaj711] [Amaj7#11] [Amaj13] [Amaj7#5] [Amaj7sus2] [Amaj7sus4]
[A^7] [A^711] [A^7#11] [A^7#5] [A^7sus2] [A^7sus4]
[Amaj9] [Amaj911]
[A^9] [A^911]
[Aadd2] [Aadd4] [Aadd9]
[Asus2] [Asus4] [Asus9]
[A6sus2] [A6sus4]
[A7sus2] [A7sus4]
[A13sus2] [A13sus4]
A7#5 A7#9 A7#9#5 A7#9b5 A7#9#11
A7b5 A7b9 A7b9#5 A7b9#9 A7b9#11 A7b9b13 A7b9b5 A7b9sus A7b13 A7b13sus
A7-9 A7-9#11 A7-9#5 A7-9#9 A7-9-13 A7-9-5 A7-9sus
Amaj7 Amaj711 Amaj7#11 Amaj13 Amaj7#5 Amaj7sus2 Amaj7sus4
A^7 A^711 A^7#11 A^7#5 A^7sus2 A^7sus4
Extensions for minor chords
A minus sign - may be used instead of the m to denote a minor chord.
Minor chords
[Dmsus4] [Dmsus9]
[D-sus4] [D-sus9]
Other extensions
Other extensions
[Gaug] [G+]
[Gdim] [G0]
[Gh] [Gh7]
m[]: '(:messages ChordPro*:)' 'ChordPro*'
args['']: 'ChordPro*'
detailOptn: ""
displayDetail: "false"
msgKeys: "chordpro*"
MsgF keys: autotelnew\autotelnew, \nztoponew\nztoponew, chordpronew, simplerecipenew\simplerecipe, nzdocnew, messagesreplacementnew, pmwikiinfo.php
foundkeys: chordpronew
D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\cookbook\chordpronew.php : '2022-12-01new'
chotext : Array
[0] => {debug:on}
[1] => {version}
[2] => {Title: Title test example}
[3] => {Subtitle: Subtitle}
[4] => {Album: Album}
[5] => {Key:F#m}
[6] =>
Parse: line=00 : '"{debug:on}" len=10'
Parse: line=01 : '"{Capo: 3}" len=9'
Parse: line=02 : '"Chords [Bb]and [C#]Lyrics" len=25'
Lyric: col=02 : '",Bb ,C# "; "Chords ,and ,Lyrics"'
Parse: line=03 : '"[A]An example [D]of [Gm]lyrics and tablature" len=44'
Lyric: col=03 : '",A ,D ,Gm "; ",An example ,of ,lyrics and tablature"'
Parse: line=04 : '"An example with no chords" len=25'
Lyric: col=00 : '""; "An example with no chords"'
Parse: line=05 : '"[G][Fmaj][E][Chords][Only]" len=26'
Lyric: col=05 : '",G ,Fmaj ,E ,Chords ,Only "; ",,,,,"'
Parse: line=06 : '"And another example with no chords, followed by an empty line" len=61'
Lyric: col=00 : '""; "And another example with no chords, followed by an empty line"'
Parse: line=07 : '"<:vspace>" len=9'
Lyric: col=00 : '""; "<:vspace>"'
Parse: line=08 : '"{Comment: a comment}" len=20'
Parse: line=09 : '"{Comment_italic: an italic comment}" len=35'
Parse: line=10 : '"{Comment_box: a comment box}" len=28'
Parse: line=11 : '"# comment line" len=14'
Parse: line=12 : '"<:vspace>" len=9'
Lyric: col=00 : '""; "<:vspace>"'
Parse: line=13 : '"{start_of_chorus}" len=17'
Parse: line=14 : '"[Bbm]text of chorus" len=19'
Lyric: col=01 : '",Bbm "; ",text of chorus"'
Parse: line=15 : '"<:vspace>" len=9'
Lyric: col=00 : '""; "<:vspace>"'
Parse: line=16 : '"more chorus text[C7]" len=20'
Lyric: col=01 : '",C7 "; "more chorus text,"'
Parse: line=17 : '"{end_of_chorus}" len=15'
Parse: line=18 : '"{start_of_tab}" len=14'
Parse: line=19 : '"D D D D D" len=47'
Parse: line=20 : '"-------------2-----2----------------2-----2----------------2-" len=61'
Parse: line=21 : '"-------------3-----3----------------3-----3----------------3-" len=61'
Parse: line=22 : '"----------o--2-----2-------------o--2-----2-------------o--2-" len=61'
Parse: line=23 : '"----2--4--------o----------2--4--------o----------2--4-------" len=61'
Parse: line=24 : '"-o----------------------o----------------------o-------------" len=61'
Parse: line=25 : '"-------------------------------------------------------------" len=61'
Parse: line=26 : '"{end_of_tab}" len=12'
Parse: line=27 : '"" len=0'
chotext : Array
[0] => {d:on}{v}
[1] => {T: Title test example}
[2] => {St: Subtitle}
[3] => {A: Album}
[4] =>
Parse: line=00 : '"{d:on}{v}" len=9'
Parse: line=01 : '"[A]An example [D]of [G]lyrics and tablature" len=43'
Lyric: col=03 : '",A ,D ,G "; ",An example ,of ,lyrics and tablature"'
Parse: line=02 : '"{C: a comment} Followed by [A]markup" len=36'
Parse: line=03 : '"Preceded by [B]markup {Ci: italic comment}" len=42'
Parse: line=04 : '"{Cb: comment box} followed by {C: a comment}" len=44'
Parse: line=05 : '"# comment line" len=14'
Parse: line=06 : '"<:vspace>" len=9'
Lyric: col=00 : '""; "<:vspace>"'
Parse: line=07 : '"{soc}" len=5'
Parse: line=08 : '"[B]chorus" len=9'
Lyric: col=01 : '",B "; ",chorus"'
Parse: line=09 : '"{eoc}" len=5'
Parse: line=10 : '"<:vspace>" len=9'
Lyric: col=00 : '""; "<:vspace>"'
Parse: line=11 : '"{sot}" len=5'
Parse: line=12 : '"Csus4 (x33011) Fmaj7 (132211)" len=33'
Parse: line=13 : '"{eot}" len=5'
Parse: line=14 : '"" len=0'
chotext : Array
[0] =>
[1] => {TITLE: First title}
[2] => {SUBTITLE: First subtitle}
[3] => Blank line follows[G]
[4] => <:vspace>
[5] => Blank line precedes[A] and follows
[6] => <:vspace>
[7] => {ci:Chorus} {soc}
[8] => Two directives on one line
[9] => {eoc}
[10] => <:vspace>
[11] => {c:two}comments{ci:on one line}
[12] => # indented comment
[13] => embedded directive {Title: Embedded title directive}
[14] => {subtitle: Indented lowercase subtitle directive}
[15] => {define: <chord_name> <position> <String6> .. <String1>}
[16] => ['|]
[17] => <:vspace>
[18] => {unknown: directive}
[19] =>
Parse: line=00 : '"" len=0'
Parse: line=01 : '"{TITLE: First title}" len=20'
Parse: line=02 : '"{SUBTITLE: First subtitle}" len=26'
Parse: line=03 : '"Blank line follows[G]" len=21'
Lyric: col=01 : '",G "; "Blank line follows,"'
Parse: line=04 : '"<:vspace>" len=9'
Lyric: col=00 : '""; "<:vspace>"'
Parse: line=05 : '"Blank line precedes[A] and follows" len=34'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A "; "Blank line precedes, and follows"'
Parse: line=06 : '"<:vspace>" len=9'
Lyric: col=00 : '""; "<:vspace>"'
Parse: line=07 : '"{ci:Chorus} {soc}" len=17'
Parse: line=08 : '"Two directives on one line" len=26'
Lyric: col=00 : '""; "Two directives on one line"'
Parse: line=09 : '"{eoc}" len=5'
Parse: line=10 : '"<:vspace>" len=9'
Lyric: col=00 : '""; "<:vspace>"'
Parse: line=11 : '"{c:two}comments{ci:on one line}" len=31'
Parse: line=12 : '"# indented comment" len=18'
Parse: line=13 : '"embedded directive {Title: Embedded title directive}" len=52'
Parse: line=14 : '"{subtitle: Indented lowercase subtitle directive}" len=49'
Parse: line=15 : '"{define: <chord_name> <position> <String6> .. <String1>}" len=80'
Parse: line=16 : '"['|]" len=4'
Lyric: col=01 : '",'| "; ","'
Parse: line=17 : '"<:vspace>" len=9'
Lyric: col=00 : '""; "<:vspace>"'
Parse: line=18 : '"{unknown: directive}" len=20'
Parse: line=19 : '"" len=0'
chotext : Array
[0] =>
Parse: line=00 : '"" len=0'
chotext : Array
[0] =>
Parse: line=00 : '"" len=0'
chotext : Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
Parse: line=00 : '"" len=0'
Parse: line=01 : '"" len=0'
chotext : Array
[0] => test
Parse: line=00 : '"test" len=4'
Lyric: col=00 : '""; "test"'
chotext : Array
[0] => test
[1] =>
Parse: line=00 : '"test" len=4'
Lyric: col=00 : '""; "test"'
Parse: line=01 : '"" len=0'
chotext : Array
[0] =>
[1] => :test
Parse: line=00 : '"" len=0'
Parse: line=01 : '":test" len=5'
Lyric: col=00 : '""; ":test"'
chotext : Array
[0] =>
Parse: line=00 : '"" len=0'
chotext : Array
[0] =>
[1] => [A2]
[2] => [A3]
[3] => [A4]
[4] => [A5]
[5] => [A6]
[6] => [A69]
[7] => [A7]
[8] => [A7-5]
[9] => [A7#5] [A7#9] [A7#9#5] [A7#9b5] [A7#9#11]
[10] => [A7b5] [A7b9] [A7b9#5] [A7b9#9] [A7b9#11] [A7b9b13] [A7b9b5] [A7b9sus] [A7b13] [A7b13sus]
[11] => [A7-9] [A7-9#11] [A7-9#5] [A7-9#9] [A7-9-13] [A7-9-5] [A7-9sus]
[12] => [A711]
[13] => [A7#11]
[14] => [A7-13] [A7-13sus]
[15] => [A7sus] [A7susadd3]
[16] => [A7+]
[17] => [A7alt]
[18] => [A9]
[19] => [A9+]
[20] => [A9#5]
[21] => [A9b5]
[22] => [A9-5]
[23] => [A9sus]
[24] => [A9add6]
[25] => [Amaj7] [Amaj711] [Amaj7#11] [Amaj13] [Amaj7#5] [Amaj7sus2] [Amaj7sus4]
[26] => [A^7] [A^711] [A^7#11] [A^7#5] [A^7sus2] [A^7sus4]
[27] => [Amaj9] [Amaj911]
[28] => [A^9] [A^911]
[29] => [A^13]
[30] => [A^9#11]
[31] => [A11]
[32] => [A911]
[33] => [A9#11]
[34] => [A13]
[35] => [A13#11]
[36] => [A13#9]
[37] => [A13b9]
[38] => [Aalt]
[39] => [Aadd2] [Aadd4] [Aadd9]
[40] => [Asus2] [Asus4] [Asus9]
[41] => [A6sus2] [A6sus4]
[42] => [A7sus2] [A7sus4]
[43] => [A13sus2] [A13sus4]
[44] =>
Parse: line=00 : '"" len=0'
Parse: line=01 : '"[A2]" len=4'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A2 "; ","'
Parse: line=02 : '"[A3]" len=4'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A3 "; ","'
Parse: line=03 : '"[A4]" len=4'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A4 "; ","'
Parse: line=04 : '"[A5]" len=4'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A5 "; ","'
Parse: line=05 : '"[A6]" len=4'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A6 "; ","'
Parse: line=06 : '"[A69]" len=5'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A69 "; ","'
Parse: line=07 : '"[A7]" len=4'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A7 "; ","'
Parse: line=08 : '"[A7-5]" len=6'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A7-5 "; ","'
Parse: line=09 : '"[A7#5] [A7#9] [A7#9#5] [A7#9b5] [A7#9#11]" len=41'
Lyric: col=05 : '",A7#5 ,A7#9 ,A7#9#5 ,A7#9b5 ,A7#9#11 "; ", , , , ,"'
Parse: line=10 : '"[A7b5] [A7b9] [A7b9#5] [A7b9#9] [A7b9#11] [A7b9b13] [A7b9b5] [A7b9sus] [A7b13] [A7b13sus]" len=89'
Lyric: col=10 : '",A7b5 ,A7b9 ,A7b9#5 ,A7b9#9 ,A7b9#11 ,A7b9b13 ,A7b9b5 ,A7b9sus ,A7b13 ,A7b13sus "; ", , , , , , , , , ,"'
Parse: line=11 : '"[A7-9] [A7-9#11] [A7-9#5] [A7-9#9] [A7-9-13] [A7-9-5] [A7-9sus]" len=63'
Lyric: col=07 : '",A7-9 ,A7-9#11 ,A7-9#5 ,A7-9#9 ,A7-9-13 ,A7-9-5 ,A7-9sus "; ", , , , , , ,"'
Parse: line=12 : '"[A711]" len=6'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A711 "; ","'
Parse: line=13 : '"[A7#11]" len=7'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A7#11 "; ","'
Parse: line=14 : '"[A7-13] [A7-13sus]" len=18'
Lyric: col=02 : '",A7-13 ,A7-13sus "; ", ,"'
Parse: line=15 : '"[A7sus] [A7susadd3]" len=19'
Lyric: col=02 : '",A7sus ,A7susadd3 "; ", ,"'
Parse: line=16 : '"[A7+]" len=5'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A7+ "; ","'
Parse: line=17 : '"[A7alt]" len=7'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A7alt "; ","'
Parse: line=18 : '"[A9]" len=4'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A9 "; ","'
Parse: line=19 : '"[A9+]" len=5'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A9+ "; ","'
Parse: line=20 : '"[A9#5]" len=6'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A9#5 "; ","'
Parse: line=21 : '"[A9b5]" len=6'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A9b5 "; ","'
Parse: line=22 : '"[A9-5]" len=6'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A9-5 "; ","'
Parse: line=23 : '"[A9sus]" len=7'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A9sus "; ","'
Parse: line=24 : '"[A9add6]" len=8'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A9add6 "; ","'
Parse: line=25 : '"[Amaj7] [Amaj711] [Amaj7#11] [Amaj13] [Amaj7#5] [Amaj7sus2] [Amaj7sus4]" len=71'
Lyric: col=07 : '",Amaj7 ,Amaj711 ,Amaj7#11 ,Amaj13 ,Amaj7#5 ,Amaj7sus2 ,Amaj7sus4 "; ", , , , , , ,"'
Parse: line=26 : '"[A^7] [A^711] [A^7#11] [A^7#5] [A^7sus2] [A^7sus4]" len=50'
Lyric: col=06 : '",A^7 ,A^711 ,A^7#11 ,A^7#5 ,A^7sus2 ,A^7sus4 "; ", , , , , ,"'
Parse: line=27 : '"[Amaj9] [Amaj911]" len=17'
Lyric: col=02 : '",Amaj9 ,Amaj911 "; ", ,"'
Parse: line=28 : '"[A^9] [A^911]" len=13'
Lyric: col=02 : '",A^9 ,A^911 "; ", ,"'
Parse: line=29 : '"[A^13]" len=6'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A^13 "; ","'
Parse: line=30 : '"[A^9#11]" len=8'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A^9#11 "; ","'
Parse: line=31 : '"[A11]" len=5'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A11 "; ","'
Parse: line=32 : '"[A911]" len=6'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A911 "; ","'
Parse: line=33 : '"[A9#11]" len=7'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A9#11 "; ","'
Parse: line=34 : '"[A13]" len=5'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A13 "; ","'
Parse: line=35 : '"[A13#11]" len=8'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A13#11 "; ","'
Parse: line=36 : '"[A13#9]" len=7'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A13#9 "; ","'
Parse: line=37 : '"[A13b9]" len=7'
Lyric: col=01 : '",A13b9 "; ","'
Parse: line=38 : '"[Aalt]" len=6'
Lyric: col=01 : '",Aalt "; ","'
Parse: line=39 : '"[Aadd2] [Aadd4] [Aadd9]" len=23'
Lyric: col=03 : '",Aadd2 ,Aadd4 ,Aadd9 "; ", , ,"'
Parse: line=40 : '"[Asus2] [Asus4] [Asus9]" len=23'
Lyric: col=03 : '",Asus2 ,Asus4 ,Asus9 "; ", , ,"'
Parse: line=41 : '"[A6sus2] [A6sus4]" len=17'
Lyric: col=02 : '",A6sus2 ,A6sus4 "; ", ,"'
Parse: line=42 : '"[A7sus2] [A7sus4]" len=17'
Lyric: col=02 : '",A7sus2 ,A7sus4 "; ", ,"'
Parse: line=43 : '"[A13sus2] [A13sus4]" len=19'
Lyric: col=02 : '",A13sus2 ,A13sus4 "; ", ,"'
Parse: line=44 : '"" len=0'
chotext : Array
[0] =>
[1] => [Dm#5]
[2] => [D-#5]
[3] => [Dm11]
[4] => [D-11]
[5] => [Dm6]
[6] => [D-6]
[7] => [Dm69]
[8] => [D-69]
[9] => [Dm7b5]
[10] => [D-7b5]
[11] => [Dm7-5]
[12] => [D-7-5]
[13] => [Dmmaj7]
[14] => [D-maj7]
[15] => [Dmmaj9]
[16] => [D-maj9]
[17] => [Dm9maj7]
[18] => [D-9maj7]
[19] => [Dm9^7]
[20] => [D-9^7]
[21] => [Dmadd9]
[22] => [D-add9]
[23] => [Dmb6]
[24] => [D-b6]
[25] => [Dm#7]
[26] => [D-#7]
[27] => [Dmsus4] [Dmsus9]
[28] => [D-sus4] [D-sus9]
[29] => [Dm7sus4]
[30] => [D-7sus4]
[31] =>
Parse: line=00 : '"" len=0'
Parse: line=01 : '"[Dm#5]" len=6'
Lyric: col=01 : '",Dm#5 "; ","'
Parse: line=02 : '"[D-#5]" len=6'
Lyric: col=01 : '",D-#5 "; ","'
Parse: line=03 : '"[Dm11]" len=6'
Lyric: col=01 : '",Dm11 "; ","'
Parse: line=04 : '"[D-11]" len=6'
Lyric: col=01 : '",D-11 "; ","'
Parse: line=05 : '"[Dm6]" len=5'
Lyric: col=01 : '",Dm6 "; ","'
Parse: line=06 : '"[D-6]" len=5'
Lyric: col=01 : '",D-6 "; ","'
Parse: line=07 : '"[Dm69]" len=6'
Lyric: col=01 : '",Dm69 "; ","'
Parse: line=08 : '"[D-69]" len=6'
Lyric: col=01 : '",D-69 "; ","'
Parse: line=09 : '"[Dm7b5]" len=7'
Lyric: col=01 : '",Dm7b5 "; ","'
Parse: line=10 : '"[D-7b5]" len=7'
Lyric: col=01 : '",D-7b5 "; ","'
Parse: line=11 : '"[Dm7-5]" len=7'
Lyric: col=01 : '",Dm7-5 "; ","'
Parse: line=12 : '"[D-7-5]" len=7'
Lyric: col=01 : '",D-7-5 "; ","'
Parse: line=13 : '"[Dmmaj7]" len=8'
Lyric: col=01 : '",Dmmaj7 "; ","'
Parse: line=14 : '"[D-maj7]" len=8'
Lyric: col=01 : '",D-maj7 "; ","'
Parse: line=15 : '"[Dmmaj9]" len=8'
Lyric: col=01 : '",Dmmaj9 "; ","'
Parse: line=16 : '"[D-maj9]" len=8'
Lyric: col=01 : '",D-maj9 "; ","'
Parse: line=17 : '"[Dm9maj7]" len=9'
Lyric: col=01 : '",Dm9maj7 "; ","'
Parse: line=18 : '"[D-9maj7]" len=9'
Lyric: col=01 : '",D-9maj7 "; ","'
Parse: line=19 : '"[Dm9^7]" len=7'
Lyric: col=01 : '",Dm9^7 "; ","'
Parse: line=20 : '"[D-9^7]" len=7'
Lyric: col=01 : '",D-9^7 "; ","'
Parse: line=21 : '"[Dmadd9]" len=8'
Lyric: col=01 : '",Dmadd9 "; ","'
Parse: line=22 : '"[D-add9]" len=8'
Lyric: col=01 : '",D-add9 "; ","'
Parse: line=23 : '"[Dmb6]" len=6'
Lyric: col=01 : '",Dmb6 "; ","'
Parse: line=24 : '"[D-b6]" len=6'
Lyric: col=01 : '",D-b6 "; ","'
Parse: line=25 : '"[Dm#7]" len=6'
Lyric: col=01 : '",Dm#7 "; ","'
Parse: line=26 : '"[D-#7]" len=6'
Lyric: col=01 : '",D-#7 "; ","'
Parse: line=27 : '"[Dmsus4] [Dmsus9]" len=17'
Lyric: col=02 : '",Dmsus4 ,Dmsus9 "; ", ,"'
Parse: line=28 : '"[D-sus4] [D-sus9]" len=17'
Lyric: col=02 : '",D-sus4 ,D-sus9 "; ", ,"'
Parse: line=29 : '"[Dm7sus4]" len=9'
Lyric: col=01 : '",Dm7sus4 "; ","'
Parse: line=30 : '"[D-7sus4]" len=9'
Lyric: col=01 : '",D-7sus4 "; ","'
Parse: line=31 : '"" len=0'
chotext : Array
[0] =>
[1] => [Gaug] [G+]
[2] => [Gdim] [G0]
[3] => [Gdim7]
[4] => [Gh] [Gh7]
[5] => [Gh9]
[6] =>
Parse: line=00 : '"" len=0'
Parse: line=01 : '"[Gaug] [G+]" len=11'
Lyric: col=02 : '",Gaug ,G+ "; ", ,"'
Parse: line=02 : '"[Gdim] [G0]" len=11'
Lyric: col=02 : '",Gdim ,G0 "; ", ,"'
Parse: line=03 : '"[Gdim7]" len=7'
Lyric: col=01 : '",Gdim7 "; ","'
Parse: line=04 : '"[Gh] [Gh7]" len=10'
Lyric: col=02 : '",Gh ,Gh7 "; ", ,"'
Parse: line=05 : '"[Gh9]" len=5'
Lyric: col=01 : '",Gh9 "; ","'
Parse: line=06 : '"" len=0'
chotext : Array
[0] => {version}
Parse: line=00 : '"{version}" len=9'
See also: