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Information Quality

Information quality management maturity grid

Quality Management Maturity Grid (QMMG)

Measurement categoriesStage 1 Uncertainty
(Ad hoc)
Stage 2 Awakening
Stage 3 Enlightenment
Stage 4 Wisdom
Stage 5 Certainty
Management understanding
and attitude
Information quality is not considered a management tool. Management tends to blame data administration or information services for "information quality problems" or vice versa.Management recognizes that information quality management may be of value but is not willing to provide money or time for it.Through the information quality improvement program, management learns more about quality management; it is becoming more supportive and helpful.Management is participating. It understands the principles of information quality management and recognizes its continuing role.Information quality management is considered an essential part of the company system.
Information quality
organisation status
Data quality is hidden in application development departments. Data audits are probably not part of the organization. The emphasis is on correcting bad data.A stronger information quality role is "appointed" but the main emphasis is still on correcting bad data.All assessment is incorporated and managers have a role in developing applications.The information quality manager reports to a chief information officer. Status reporting and preventive action are effective. The organization is involved with business areas.The information quality manager is part of the management team. Prevention is the main focus. Information quality is a key consideration in all activities.
Information quality
problem handling
Problems are dealt with as they occur. There is usually no resolution due to inadequate definition. Conflict is common.Teams are set up to attack major problems. Long-term solutions are not solicited.Communication on corrective action is established. Problems are faced openly and resolved in an orderly way.Problems are identified early in their development. All functions are open to suggestion and improvement.Except in the most unusual cases, information quality problems are prevented.
Cost of information quality
as a percent of revenue
Reported: Unknown
Actual: 20%
Reported: 5%
Actual: 18%
Reported: 10%
Actual: 15%
Reported: 8%
Actual: 10%
Reported: 5%
Actual: 5%
Information quality
improvement actions
There are no organized activities, and understanding of such activities is lacking.Motivational short-term efforts are made.Management implements a 14-point program. It thoroughly understands and establishes each step.A 14-point program is continuing and benefits are starting to be optimized.Information quality improvement is a normal and continued activity.
Summation of
company information
quality posture
Denial or bewilderment
"We don't know why we have problems with information quality."
Questioning status quo
"Is it absolutely necessary to always have problems with information quality?"
Acceptance and purposive
"Through management commitment and information quality improvement, we are identifying and resolving our problems."
"Information quality problem prevention is a routine part of our operation."
"We know why we do not have problems with information quality
Technology and use
in support of
information quality
None or general purpose, eg Access / Excel / SQL for specific problemsSome process management tools but applied to point solutions. Tools dominate processes. Wheels reinventedTools and processes integrated. Process dominates, tools are enablers. Performance metricsAutomated processes. IQ tools so integrated as to be invisibleExpert systems can be used for IQ discovery and monitoring

tahi Page last modified on 2008 Jul 23 14:45

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