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2016-01-03 Lake Ōhau to Lake Hāwea

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Day From To Distance


  • two tents
  • ice axes
  • primus and 2 litres fuel
  • two billys
  • two PLBs, maps, GPS


  • Party food: 7 breakfasts, 7 dinners and 2 puds
  • Own food: 7 lunches, brews, scroggin/snacks


  • 3 x pogs - rolled oats, dehy fruit, sugar, milkpowder
  • 2 x rice flakes - rice flakes, dehy apple, sugar, milkpowder, cinnamon
  • 2 x bircher muesli - plus milkpowder and sugar


  • 3 x mac cheese - mac, cheese, salami, dehy veges, dehy pineapple, soup, herbs
  • 2 x rice & tuna - rice, tuna, cashews, dehy veges, soup, herbs
  • 1 x curried sausages and dehy spud - sausages, dehy spud, dehy veges, onion, curry
  • 1 x Backcountry dehy dinner and dehy spud


  • 1 x mousse and flaked almonds
  • 1 x Backcountry dessert
2 Jan Queenstown Gondola(approve sites) Ben Lomond(approve sites) return 11.2km(approve sites)
3 Jan Temple campsite(approve sites) South Temple Hut(approve sites) 7.8km(approve sites) Temple Stream South Branch(approve sites)
4 Jan South Temple Hut Mt Maitland Tarns(approve sites) 5.8km(approve sites) Ruataniwha Conservation Park(approve sites)
5 Jan Mt Maitland Tarns Maitland Hut(approve sites) 8.1km(approve sites)
6 Jan Maitland Hut Hideaway Hut(approve sites) 18.3km(approve sites) route(approve sites) via Snowy Gorge Hut(approve sites)
7 Jan Hideaway Hut(approve sites) Top Dingle Hut(approve sites) 18.0km(approve sites) Ahuriri Conservation Park(approve sites)
8 Jan Top Dingle Hut Bush Hut(approve sites) 20.2km(approve sites) Hawea Conservation Park(approve sites)
9 Jan Bush Hut Mae West Biv (return) 12.9km(approve sites) (partial)
10 Jan Bush Hut Dingle Burn Station Road 21.5km(approve sites) Dingle Burn Track(approve sites)
excluding side trips 100km(approve sites)

Sun Jan 3 day 1 - South Branch South Temple Stream

South Branch South Temple Stream
Brian, Philip, Simon, and Bruce ready to depart

Photo: Simon

South Branch South Temple Stream
Brief stop in Temple Stream South Branch
Photo: Philip
South Branch South Temple Stream
Start of the Temple Stream South Branch track
Photo: Brian
South Branch South Temple Stream
In South Branch of Temple Stream
Photo: Simon
South Branch South Temple Stream
Heading up Temple Stream South Branch
Photo: Philip
South Branch South Temple Stream
Simon heading up south branch of Temple Stream
Photo: Bruce
South Branch South Temple Stream
Looking up eroded side creek in Temple Stream South Branch
Photo: Philip
South Branch South Temple Stream
In view up South Temple
Photo: Simon
South Branch South Temple Stream
In Temple Stream South Branch
Photo: Philip
South Branch South Temple Stream
Arriving at South Temple hut
Photo: Simon
South Branch South Temple Stream
Arriving at South Temple Hut
Photo: Philip
South Branch South Temple Stream
Arriving at South Temple Hut
Photo: Brian

Mon Jan 4 day 2 - Southern tributary South Branch South Temple Stream to Maitland Tarns

Southern South Branch Temple Stream
Stream And Side Waterfall

Photo: Philip

Southern South Branch Temple Stream
Moving Up The Stream
Photo: Philip
Southern South Branch Temple Stream
Gorgey Stream
Photo: Philip
Southern South Branch Temple Stream
In Upper Stream
Photo: Philip
Southern South Branch Temple Stream
Climbing Out Of Valley
Photo: Brian
Southern South Branch Temple Stream
Philip and the head of the valley
Photo: Simon
Southern South Branch Temple Stream
View back into Southern South Branch Temple Stream
Photo: Philip
Southern South Branch Temple Stream
Lower Tarn
Photo: Philip
Southern South Branch Temple Stream
Camp At Tarns
Photo: Brian
Southern South Branch Temple Stream
View from Watson Saddle
Photo: Philip
Southern South Branch Temple Stream
Rocky Ridge
Photo: Philip
Southern South Branch Temple Stream
Philip starting down Watson Saddle snow slope
Photo: Simon

Tue Jan 5 day 3 Maitland Tarns to Maitland Stream and Hut

Maitland Stream

Photo: Brian

Maitland Stream
Bruce and Philip leaving lower Maitland tarn
Photo: Simon
Maitland Stream
Rocky view into the Maitland
Photo: Brian
Maitland Stream
Looking Back Up Scree Slope
Photo: Simon
Maitland Stream
Bruce powering down the scree slope
Photo: Brian
Maitland Stream
Looking back at cirque, Philip and Brian
Photo: Simon
Maitland Stream
First Rest Stop, Scree Slope Behind
Photo: Philip
Maitland Stream
Sidling Out Of The Creek
Photo: Philip
Maitland Stream
First view of Maitland Hut
Photo: Simon
Maitland Stream
Bruce arriving at Maitland Hut
Photo: Brian
Maitland Stream
Maitland Hut
Photo: Simon
Maitland Stream
Mailand Hut
Photo: Brian

Wed Jan 6 day 4 - Maitland Hut to Snowy Gorge Stream and Hideaway Biv

Snowy Gorge Creek
Maitland Hut

Photo: Simon

Snowy Gorge Creek
Simon outside Maitland hut
Photo: Brian
Snowy Gorge Creek
Bush Edge Marker
Photo: Philip
Snowy Gorge Creek
Philip looking back at the Maitland bush edge
Photo: Brian
Snowy Gorge Creek
Resting just over the saddle into Snowy Gorge Creek
Photo: Brian
Snowy Gorge Creek
Starting down Snowy Gorge
Photo: Philip
Snowy Gorge Creek
Snowy Gorge Hut in distant sight
Photo: Brian
Snowy Gorge Creek
Snowy Gorge Hut
Photo: Brian
Snowy Gorge Creek
Philip and Brian leaving Snowy Gorge Hut
Photo: Simon
Snowy Gorge Creek
View to Ahuriri
Photo: Philip
Snowy Gorge Creek
Philip and Bruce arriving at Hideaway Biv
Photo: Brian
Snowy Gorge Creek
Philip outside Hideaway Biv
Photo: Brian

Thu Jan 7 day 5 - Hideaway Biv to Ahuriri and Top Dingle Hut

Bruce cooking breakfast

Photo: Philip

Hideaway Biv tucked into the hillside
Photo: Philip
Heading for unnamed Lake
Photo: Simon
Bruce and Simon resting in the Ahuriri, view downstream
Photo: Philip
Travelling up the Ahuriri
Photo: Brian
Rest stop on the Ahuriri
Photo: Simon
View up the Ahuriri
Photo: Bruce
Bruce outside Ahuriri Base Hut
Photo: Brian
Simon and view down into Ahuriri
Photo: Philip
Simon Brain and Philip Ahuriri valley behind
Photo: Bruce
Simon and Brian view down upper Dingle Burn
Photo: Bruce
Dingle Burn panorama, Bruce, Simon, and Philip
Photo: Brian

Fri Jan 8 day 6 - Top Dingle Hut to Bush Hut

Dingle Burn
Top Dingle Hut morning

Photo: Philip

Dingle Burn
Morning view up the Dingle Burn
Photo: Philip
Dingle Burn
Ready to leave Top Dingle Hut
Photo: Philip
Dingle Burn
Heading down the slope from Top Dingle Hut
Photo: Philip
Dingle Burn
Crossing The Broad Grassy Fans
Photo: Philip
Dingle Burn
Dingle Burn travel
Photo: Simon
Dingle Burn
Nearing Ben Avon Hut
Photo: Philip
Dingle Burn
Bruce outside Ben Avon Hut
Photo: Brian
Dingle Burn
Heading Down The Grassy Terraces
Photo: Philip
Dingle Burn
Simon and Bruce and view downstream
Photo: Philip
Dingle Burn
Left The Sidle Track Behind
Photo: Philip
Dingle Burn
Bush Hut
Photo: Brian

Sat Jan 9 day 7 - Side trip to Mae West Biv

Mae West day trip
Slip opposite Bush Hut

Photo: Bruce

Mae West day trip
Trampers Silouetted By The Slip Across The River
Photo: Simon
Mae West day trip
Heading Downstream
Photo: Philip
Mae West day trip
Simon and Bruce off down the Dingle Burn
Photo: Brian
Mae West day trip
Bruce striding down the Dingle Burn
Photo: Brian
Mae West day trip
Rest stop on Dingle Burn before starting climb
Photo: Simon
Mae West day trip
View from spur down Dingle Burn to Lake Hawea
Photo: Brian
Mae West day trip
View down Dingle Burn to Lake Hawea
Photo: Bruce
Mae West day trip
Slips And Slumping Across The Valley
Photo: Philip
Mae West day trip
View back up to Ahuriri pass
Photo: Philip
Mae West day trip
Bruce and Brian on spur, lake behind
Photo: Philip
Mae West day trip
Brian looking at tomorrows route
Photo: Philip

Sat Jan 10 day 8 - Bush Hut to Dingle Burn Station Road end

Lake Hāwea
Heading Downstream

Photo: Philip

Lake Hāwea
Dingle Burn near The Peninsula
Photo: Brian
Lake Hāwea
In Short Gorge
Photo: Philip
Lake Hāwea
In Short Gorge
Photo: Philip
Lake Hāwea
Though Farmland
Photo: Philip
Lake Hāwea
At the bottom of the Dingle Burn, last view upstream
Photo: Bruce
Lake Hāwea
Brian and Bruce on the Dingle Burn delta
Photo: Philip
Lake Hāwea
View of Peninsula track
Photo: Philip
Lake Hāwea
Lake Hawea from Peninsula track
Photo: Brian
Lake Hāwea
On the Peninsula track
Photo: Philip
Lake Hāwea
Simon on track down to lake shore
Photo: Brian
Lake Hāwea
Philip at road end
Photo: Brian

tahi Page last modified on 2022 Dec 04 04:57

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