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Ngā Tau
Ngā Tau
kore | nil, none, nothing, zero |
pākorehā | nil, none, nothing |
tahi | one |
rua | two |
toru | three |
whā | four |
rima | five |
ono | six |
whitu | seven |
waru | eight |
iwa | nine |
ngahuru tekau | ten |
ngahuru mā tahi | eleven |
rua ngahuru mā rua | twenty two |
iwa ngahuru mā iwa | ninety nine |
rau | hundred |
mano | thousand |
miriona | million | (kupu mino) |
piriona | billion | (kupu mino) |
haurua | half |
hauwhā | quarter |
te ngahuru o te tekau o | tenth |
tuatahi | first |
tuarua | second |
tuatoru | third |
tuawhā | fourth |
tuarima | fifth |
tuaono | sixth |
tuawhitu | seventh |
tuawaru | eighth |
tuaiwa | nineth |
hoko- | multiplied by 10 when used as a prefix, e.g. hokowaru = 80 |
hokowhitu | 140, company |
iti | small, few |
maha | many, numerous |
manomano | innumerable |
nui | large, many |
takimano | thousands |
tini | countless, innumerable, numerous, many |
tokoiti | few, reduced in number, hardly any, a small number of |
tokomaha | many people, a crowd, numerous - of people |