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D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\cookbook\autotelnew.php: 2024-04-10new defaults: +64; 4; 0 ignorePrefix: "(?:(?<![:=#0-9"'\]\)])|(?<![0-9\)]\s))" ignoreSuffix: (?!\s?[0-9]) visualSeparatorVal: \s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209; visualSeparator: (?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) openParen: [\(]? closParen: (?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) ) countryCode: (\+\d{1,3}) countryCodeSep: (?:(\+\d{1,3}) (?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) ? ) areaCodeMobl: ((?:[\(]0?\d{2}[\)] | [\(]? 0?\d{2}(?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) ) ) (?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) ?) areaCodeLand: ((?:[\(]0?\d{1}[\)] | [\(]? 0\d{1}(?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) ) ) (?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) ?) serviceCode: (0[58]\d{2,2}) subscriberNumberMobile: (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) \d{5}|\d{3,4}(?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) \d{3,4}) subscriberNumberLand: (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) \d{4}|\d{4}(?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) \d{3}) srve: /(?:(?<![:=#0-9"'\]\)])|(?<![0-9\)]\s))[\(]? (0[58]\d{2,2}) (?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) ) (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) \d{5}|\d{3,4}(?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) \d{3,4}) (?!\s?[0-9])/xi mobl: /(?:(?<![:=#0-9"'\]\)])|(?<![0-9\)]\s))(?:(\+\d{1,3}) (?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) ? ) ? ((?:[\(]0?\d{2}[\)] | [\(]? 0?\d{2}(?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) ) ) (?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) ?) (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) \d{5}|\d{3,4}(?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) \d{3,4}) (?!\s?[0-9])/xi land: /(?:(?<![:=#0-9"'\]\)])|(?<![0-9\)]\s))(?:(?:(\+\d{1,3}) (?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) ? ) ? ((?:[\(]0?\d{1}[\)] | [\(]? 0\d{1}(?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) ) ) (?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) ?) )? (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) \d{4}|\d{4}(?:\s|[-]|\&nbsp;|\&\#8209;) \d{3}) (?!\s?[0-9])/xi D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\cookbook\totalcounter.php: 2024-12-12 using "wiki.d" with action=browse, log=1, IP lookup: 1

D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\PmWikiPlus\PmWikiPlus.php= 2024-08-19 confPmWikiPlus[debugPmWikiPlus]= true confPmWikiPlus[=dir]= D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions/PmWikiPlus confPmWikiPlus[=url]= confPmWikiPlus[enableCREOL]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableDBRCH]= true confPmWikiPlus[enableDDMUP]= true confPmWikiPlus[enableDOBML]= true confPmWikiPlus[enableEDHLP]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableFIXUR]= true confPmWikiPlus[enableLOCTM]= true confPmWikiPlus[enableNSAVW]= true confPmWikiPlus[enablePMFRM]= false confPmWikiPlus[enablePMSYN]= true confPmWikiPlus[enablePVCHA]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableRFCNT]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableRWSPN]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableSKNCH]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableSRTBL]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableURLAP]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableWFATM]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableWFDC]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableWFRDF]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableWFRSS]= false confPmWikiPlus[muAtch]= true confPmWikiPlus[muBrk]= true confPmWikiPlus[muBrkCL]= true confPmWikiPlus[muBrkCR]= true confPmWikiPlus[muLnBold]= true confPmWikiPlus[muLnItalic]= true confPmWikiPlus[setBLKLST]= true confPmWikiPlus[setBLKWHY]= true confPmWikiPlus[setCOPYCD]= false confPmWikiPlus[setGUIBTN]= true confPmWikiPlus[setMRGLME]= false param= enableCREOL $ EnableCreole             not changed to "" global= enableDBRCH $ EnableRCDiffBytes        is already enabled (1) global= enableDDMUP $ EnableUploadDrop         set to "1" global= enableDOBML $ LinkFunctions            is already enabled (ObfuscateLinkIMap) param= enableEDHLP $ EnableEditAutoText       not changed to "1" global= enableFIXUR $ EnableGuiEditFixUrl      is already enabled (2000) global= enableLOCTM $ EnableLocalTimes         is already enabled (1) global= enableNSAVW $ EnableNotSavedWarning    is already enabled (1) param= enablePMFRM $ EnablePmForm             not changed to "" global= enablePMSYN $ EnablePmSyntax           is already enabled (2) param= enablePVCHA $ EnablePreviewChanges     not changed to "1" param= enableRFCNT $ EnableRefCount           not changed to "" param= enableRWSPN $ EnableSimpleTableRowspan not changed to "1" param= enableSKNCH $ EnableAutoSkinList       not changed to "1" param= enableSRTBL $ EnableSortable           not changed to "1" param= enableURLAP $ EnableUrlApprove         not changed to "" param= enableWFATM $ EnableFeeds atom         not changed to "" param= enableWFDC $ EnableFeeds dc           not changed to "" param= enableWFRDF $ EnableFeeds rdf          not changed to "" param= enableWFRSS $ EnableFeeds rss          not changed to "" global= setBLKLST  $ EnableBlocklist          is already enabled (10) global= setBLKWHY  $ EnableWhyBlocked         is already enabled (1) param= setCOPYCD  $ EnableCopyCode           not changed to "1" global= setGUIBTN  $ EnableGUIButtons         is already enabled (1) param= setMRGLME  $ EnableMergeLastMinorEdit not changed to "1" markup= muAtch     Attach     configured markup= muBrk      [[\\]]     configured markup= muBrkCL    [[<]]      configured markup= muBrkCR    [[>]]      configured markup= muLnBold   '* *'      configured markup= muLnItalic '~ ~'      configured
= D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\MessagesReplacementnew\MessagesReplacementnew.php 2024-09-16new confMessagesReplacement[MessagesReplacementDebug]= off confMessagesReplacement[MessagesReplacementHeading]= on confMessagesReplacement[MessagesReplacementDetail]= hide confMessagesReplacement[=dir]= D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions/MessagesReplacementnew confMessagesReplacement[=url]= <hr>D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\KWTLQuestionVars\KWTLQuestionVars.php: '2024-06-30' conf[]: akey: debugKWTLQuestionVars, =dir, =url, KWTLQuestionVarsHidden
Array ( [debugKWTLQuestionVars] => true [=dir] => D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions/KWTLQuestionVars [=url] => [KWTLQuestionVarsHidden] => hidden )
<hr>D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\PmWikiInfo\PmWikiInfo.php: '2024-11-05' conf[]: akey: debugKWTLQuestionVars, debugPmWikiInfo, stylesPmWikiInfo, =dir, =url
Array ( [debugKWTLQuestionVars] => [debugPmWikiInfo] => false [stylesPmWikiInfo] => [=dir] => D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions/PmWikiInfo [=url] => )
PmWiki Info markup: '/\(:pmwikiinfo(.*)?:\)/i'
This page contains the text to be displayed when PmWiki is unable to locate a requested page. Administrators can edit this page to change the message.

The location "Site/PageNotFound" doesn't exist. (/Site/PageNotFound)

Results of search for PageNotFound :
Administration /
Extensions  Wiki functional extensions(add-ons) used in this wiki
Cookbook /
Starter Pack  A bundled version of PmWiki
Pm Wiki /
Basic Variables  core variables
Edit Variables  variables used when editing pages
Layout Variables  variables that control page layout
Local Customizations  Customize your PmWiki installation through config.php and local.css
Page Variables  variables that are associated with pages
Release Notes  Notes about new versions, important for upgrades
Upgrades  How to upgrade an existing PmWiki installation
Site /
Home Page  Website configuration
Old Home Page  Website configuration
Page Not Found  Page displayed when PmWiki can't find the requested page
Recent Changes  Website configuration
Site  Site Configuration
14 pages found out of 1322 pages searched.

tahi Page last modified on 2008 Oct 30 12:23

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