Pm Wiki
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Wiki Word(redirected from PmWiki.WikiWords) A WikiWord is a set of two or more words run together, where the first letter of each word is capitalized. This syntax is also sometimes referred to as "mixed case" or "camel case". Other descriptions of WikiWords are available from Wiki:WikiWord and Wikipedia:WikiWord. Usage as page titlesWikiWords are used as page names in a wiki-based system. Usage as linksIn some wikis (depending on the configuration of PmWiki), a valid link can be created by writing it as WikiWord. In such PmWiki installations, WikiWords surrounded by D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\cookbook\autotelnew.php: 2024-04-10new defaults: +64; 4; 0 ignorePrefix: "(?:(?<![:=#0-9"'\]\)])|(?<![0-9\)]\s))" ignoreSuffix: (?!\s?[0-9]) visualSeparatorVal: \s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209; visualSeparator: (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) openParen: [\(]? closParen: (?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) countryCode: (\+\d{1,3}) countryCodeSep: (?:(\+\d{1,3}) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ? ) areaCodeMobl: ((?:[\(]0?\d{2}[\)] | [\(]? 0?\d{2}(?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) ) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ?) areaCodeLand: ((?:[\(]0?\d{1}[\)] | [\(]? 0\d{1}(?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) ) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ?) serviceCode: (0[58]\d{2,2}) subscriberNumberMobile: (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{5}|\d{3,4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3,4}) subscriberNumberLand: (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{4}|\d{4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3}) srve: /(?:(?<![:=#0-9"'\]\)])|(?<![0-9\)]\s))[\(]? (0[58]\d{2,2}) (?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{5}|\d{3,4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3,4}) (?!\s?[0-9])/xi mobl: /(?:(?<![:=#0-9"'\]\)])|(?<![0-9\)]\s))(?:(\+\d{1,3}) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ? ) ? ((?:[\(]0?\d{2}[\)] | [\(]? 0?\d{2}(?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) ) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ?) (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{5}|\d{3,4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3,4}) (?!\s?[0-9])/xi land: /(?:(?<![:=#0-9"'\]\)])|(?<![0-9\)]\s))(?:(?:(\+\d{1,3}) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ? ) ? ((?:[\(]0?\d{1}[\)] | [\(]? 0\d{1}(?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) ) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ?) )? (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{4}|\d{4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3}) (?!\s?[0-9])/xi D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\cookbook\totalcounter.php: 2025-01-22 using "wiki.d" with action=browse, log=1, IP lookup: 1 D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\PmWikiPlus\PmWikiPlus.php= 2024-08-19 confPmWikiPlus[debugPmWikiPlus]= true confPmWikiPlus[=dir]= D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions/PmWikiPlus confPmWikiPlus[=url]= confPmWikiPlus[enableCREOL]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableDBRCH]= true confPmWikiPlus[enableDDMUP]= true confPmWikiPlus[enableDOBML]= true confPmWikiPlus[enableEDHLP]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableFIXUR]= true confPmWikiPlus[enableLOCTM]= true confPmWikiPlus[enableNSAVW]= true confPmWikiPlus[enablePMFRM]= false confPmWikiPlus[enablePMSYN]= true confPmWikiPlus[enablePVCHA]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableRFCNT]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableRWSPN]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableSKNCH]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableSRTBL]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableURLAP]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableWFATM]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableWFDC]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableWFRDF]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableWFRSS]= false confPmWikiPlus[muAtch]= true confPmWikiPlus[muBrk]= true confPmWikiPlus[muBrkCL]= true confPmWikiPlus[muBrkCR]= true confPmWikiPlus[muLnBold]= true confPmWikiPlus[muLnItalic]= true confPmWikiPlus[setBLKLST]= true confPmWikiPlus[setBLKWHY]= true confPmWikiPlus[setCOPYCD]= false confPmWikiPlus[setGUIBTN]= true confPmWikiPlus[setMRGLME]= false param= enableCREOL $ EnableCreole not changed to "" global= enableDBRCH $ EnableRCDiffBytes is already enabled (1) global= enableDDMUP $ EnableUploadDrop set to "1" global= enableDOBML $ LinkFunctions is already enabled (ObfuscateLinkIMap) param= enableEDHLP $ EnableEditAutoText not changed to "1" global= enableFIXUR $ EnableGuiEditFixUrl is already enabled (2000) global= enableLOCTM $ EnableLocalTimes is already enabled (1) global= enableNSAVW $ EnableNotSavedWarning is already enabled (1) param= enablePMFRM $ EnablePmForm not changed to "" global= enablePMSYN $ EnablePmSyntax is already enabled (2) param= enablePVCHA $ EnablePreviewChanges not changed to "1" param= enableRFCNT $ EnableRefCount not changed to "" param= enableRWSPN $ EnableSimpleTableRowspan not changed to "1" param= enableSKNCH $ EnableAutoSkinList not changed to "1" param= enableSRTBL $ EnableSortable not changed to "1" param= enableURLAP $ EnableUrlApprove not changed to "" param= enableWFATM $ EnableFeeds atom not changed to "" param= enableWFDC $ EnableFeeds dc not changed to "" param= enableWFRDF $ EnableFeeds rdf not changed to "" param= enableWFRSS $ EnableFeeds rss not changed to "" global= setBLKLST $ EnableBlocklist is already enabled (10) global= setBLKWHY $ EnableWhyBlocked is already enabled (1) param= setCOPYCD $ EnableCopyCode not changed to "1" global= setGUIBTN $ EnableGUIButtons is already enabled (1) param= setMRGLME $ EnableMergeLastMinorEdit not changed to "1" markup= muAtch Attach configured markup= muBrk [[\\]] configured markup= muBrkCL [[<]] configured markup= muBrkCR [[>]] configured markup= muLnBold '* *' configured markup= muLnItalic '~ ~' configured = D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\MessagesReplacementnew\MessagesReplacementnew.php 2024-09-16new confMessagesReplacement[MessagesReplacementDebug]= off confMessagesReplacement[MessagesReplacementHeading]= on confMessagesReplacement[MessagesReplacementDetail]= hide confMessagesReplacement[=dir]= D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions/MessagesReplacementnew confMessagesReplacement[=url]= <hr>D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\KWTLQuestionVars\KWTLQuestionVars.php: '2025-02-20' conf[]: akey: debugKWTLQuestionVars, =dir, =url, KWTLQuestionVarsHidden Array
[debugKWTLQuestionVars] => true
[=dir] => D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions/KWTLQuestionVars
[=url] =>
[KWTLQuestionVarsHidden] => hidden
<hr>D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\PmWikiInfo\PmWikiInfo.php: '2024-11-05'
conf[]: akey: debugKWTLQuestionVars, debugPmWikiInfo, stylesPmWikiInfo, =dir, =urlArray
[debugKWTLQuestionVars] =>
[debugPmWikiInfo] => false
[stylesPmWikiInfo] =>
[=dir] => D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions/PmWikiInfo
[=url] =>
PmWiki Info markup: '/\(:pmwikiinfo(.*)?:\)/i'
D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\cookbook\autotelnew.php: 2024-04-10new defaults: +64; 4; 0 ignorePrefix: "(?:(?<![:=#0-9"'\]\)])|(?<![0-9\)]\s))" ignoreSuffix: (?!\s?[0-9]) visualSeparatorVal: \s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209; visualSeparator: (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) openParen: [\(]? closParen: (?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) countryCode: (\+\d{1,3}) countryCodeSep: (?:(\+\d{1,3}) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ? ) areaCodeMobl: ((?:[\(]0?\d{2}[\)] | [\(]? 0?\d{2}(?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) ) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ?) areaCodeLand: ((?:[\(]0?\d{1}[\)] | [\(]? 0\d{1}(?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) ) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ?) serviceCode: (0[58]\d{2,2}) subscriberNumberMobile: (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{5}|\d{3,4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3,4}) subscriberNumberLand: (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{4}|\d{4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3}) srve: /(?:(?<![:=#0-9"'\]\)])|(?<![0-9\)]\s))[\(]? (0[58]\d{2,2}) (?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{5}|\d{3,4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3,4}) (?!\s?[0-9])/xi mobl: /(?:(?<![:=#0-9"'\]\)])|(?<![0-9\)]\s))(?:(\+\d{1,3}) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ? ) ? ((?:[\(]0?\d{2}[\)] | [\(]? 0?\d{2}(?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) ) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ?) (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{5}|\d{3,4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3,4}) (?!\s?[0-9])/xi land: /(?:(?<![:=#0-9"'\]\)])|(?<![0-9\)]\s))(?:(?:(\+\d{1,3}) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ? ) ? ((?:[\(]0?\d{1}[\)] | [\(]? 0\d{1}(?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) ) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ?) )? (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{4}|\d{4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3}) (?!\s?[0-9])/xi D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\cookbook\totalcounter.php: 2025-01-22 using "wiki.d" with action=browse, log=1, IP lookup: 1 D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\PmWikiPlus\PmWikiPlus.php= 2024-08-19 confPmWikiPlus[debugPmWikiPlus]= true confPmWikiPlus[=dir]= D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions/PmWikiPlus confPmWikiPlus[=url]= confPmWikiPlus[enableCREOL]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableDBRCH]= true confPmWikiPlus[enableDDMUP]= true confPmWikiPlus[enableDOBML]= true confPmWikiPlus[enableEDHLP]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableFIXUR]= true confPmWikiPlus[enableLOCTM]= true confPmWikiPlus[enableNSAVW]= true confPmWikiPlus[enablePMFRM]= false confPmWikiPlus[enablePMSYN]= true confPmWikiPlus[enablePVCHA]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableRFCNT]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableRWSPN]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableSKNCH]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableSRTBL]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableURLAP]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableWFATM]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableWFDC]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableWFRDF]= false confPmWikiPlus[enableWFRSS]= false confPmWikiPlus[muAtch]= true confPmWikiPlus[muBrk]= true confPmWikiPlus[muBrkCL]= true confPmWikiPlus[muBrkCR]= true confPmWikiPlus[muLnBold]= true confPmWikiPlus[muLnItalic]= true confPmWikiPlus[setBLKLST]= true confPmWikiPlus[setBLKWHY]= true confPmWikiPlus[setCOPYCD]= false confPmWikiPlus[setGUIBTN]= true confPmWikiPlus[setMRGLME]= false param= enableCREOL $ EnableCreole not changed to "" global= enableDBRCH $ EnableRCDiffBytes is already enabled (1) global= enableDDMUP $ EnableUploadDrop set to "1" global= enableDOBML $ LinkFunctions is already enabled (ObfuscateLinkIMap) param= enableEDHLP $ EnableEditAutoText not changed to "1" global= enableFIXUR $ EnableGuiEditFixUrl is already enabled (2000) global= enableLOCTM $ EnableLocalTimes is already enabled (1) global= enableNSAVW $ EnableNotSavedWarning is already enabled (1) param= enablePMFRM $ EnablePmForm not changed to "" global= enablePMSYN $ EnablePmSyntax is already enabled (2) param= enablePVCHA $ EnablePreviewChanges not changed to "1" param= enableRFCNT $ EnableRefCount not changed to "" param= enableRWSPN $ EnableSimpleTableRowspan not changed to "1" param= enableSKNCH $ EnableAutoSkinList not changed to "1" param= enableSRTBL $ EnableSortable not changed to "1" param= enableURLAP $ EnableUrlApprove not changed to "" param= enableWFATM $ EnableFeeds atom not changed to "" param= enableWFDC $ EnableFeeds dc not changed to "" param= enableWFRDF $ EnableFeeds rdf not changed to "" param= enableWFRSS $ EnableFeeds rss not changed to "" global= setBLKLST $ EnableBlocklist is already enabled (10) global= setBLKWHY $ EnableWhyBlocked is already enabled (1) param= setCOPYCD $ EnableCopyCode not changed to "1" global= setGUIBTN $ EnableGUIButtons is already enabled (1) param= setMRGLME $ EnableMergeLastMinorEdit not changed to "1" markup= muAtch Attach configured markup= muBrk [[\\]] configured markup= muBrkCL [[<]] configured markup= muBrkCR [[>]] configured markup= muLnBold '* *' configured markup= muLnItalic '~ ~' configured = D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\MessagesReplacementnew\MessagesReplacementnew.php 2024-09-16new confMessagesReplacement[MessagesReplacementDebug]= off confMessagesReplacement[MessagesReplacementHeading]= on confMessagesReplacement[MessagesReplacementDetail]= hide confMessagesReplacement[=dir]= D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions/MessagesReplacementnew confMessagesReplacement[=url]= <hr>D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\KWTLQuestionVars\KWTLQuestionVars.php: '2025-02-20' conf[]: akey: debugKWTLQuestionVars, =dir, =url, KWTLQuestionVarsHidden Array
[debugKWTLQuestionVars] => true
[=dir] => D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions/KWTLQuestionVars
[=url] =>
[KWTLQuestionVarsHidden] => hidden
<hr>D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\PmWikiInfo\PmWikiInfo.php: '2024-11-05'
conf[]: akey: debugKWTLQuestionVars, debugPmWikiInfo, stylesPmWikiInfo, =dir, =urlArray
[debugKWTLQuestionVars] =>
[debugPmWikiInfo] => false
[stylesPmWikiInfo] =>
[=dir] => D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions/PmWikiInfo
[=url] =>
PmWiki Info markup: '/\(:pmwikiinfo(.*)?:\)/i'
See Links for information about PmWiki's rules for forming links and forming page titles. Enabling WikiWord linksWikiWord links are disabled by default since Pmwiki version 2.1 beta2. To enable WikiWord links you need to set in $EnableWikiWords = 1;
See also WikiWord links to non-existent pages without decorationIf you want to display links to non-existent pages without decoration, place the following lines in pub/css/local.css: span.wikiword a.createlink { display:none; } span.wikiword a.createlinktext { border-bottom:none; text-decoration:none; color:inherit; } Finding WikiWord linksIf you upgraded from an earlier version and want to convert WikiWord links to standard links, the following will help to find those WikiWord links easier by highlighting them. Set in config.php: $HTMLStylesFmt['wikiword'] = "span.wikiword { background:yellow; }";
Disabling certain WikiWords linksThe variable This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:WikiWord, and a talk page: PmWiki:WikiWord-Talk. |
tahi Page last modified on 2023 Dec 09 08:41
Edit - History - Recent Changes - WikiHelp - Search - email page as link -> mailto:?Subject="KiwiWiki: Wiki Word"&Body=